第43回 児童画国際交流展 



The 43rd Children’s Art International Exhibition was held, with concerns over the spread of the virus.
As far as possible, we have taken measures to prevent infection, and we have decided to hold the event only for the exhibitors and the people involved in the exchange.
I have sent out that I want this exhibition to be held with the message, “Take care of yourself and your mind so that you won’t succumb to the coronavirus!”
I sincerely wish for you and your loved ones health and happiness, to the people who sent us their art from over the world, and to the people all over the world.
May the world restore peace and order as soon as possible to head toward tomorrow, where we can get together and exchange!


リランカのジュディス・ウイクラマナカマ 9歳

2011年3月以降、福島県(いわき市、福島市)の子 どもたちとの支援交流を続けています。

児童画交流展 会場の模様に戻る
